Kinetico water softeners uses the kinetic energy of moving water to power its systems instead of electricity . So you don't have to worry about costly repairs or higher monthly electricity bills.
Twin Tank Design
The twin tank design means a continuous and un-interrupted supply of soft water.
Metered Regeneration
Meters water use to accurately determine when it's time to regenerate with watch-like precision, resulting in less waste and greater savings. So when you go on holiday so does your water softener.
Soft Water Rinse
Uses only soft, conditioned water to clean itself thereby prolonging the life of the water softener.
Countercurrent Regeneration
Sounds a mouthful, but unlike most other softeners, a Kinetico system regenerates from the bottom up for more even and efficient use of the resin bead. Resulting in less waste, less salt and a longer lasting system.
The only consumable item you will need to maintain your Kinetico Water Softener.
Enjoy beautiful soft water throughout your home and perfectly filtered water on tap 24/7. Many people enjoy the whole home water solution and all round better water by installing a Kinetico K5 Water Filter with their Kinetico 2020c Water Softener.